EKG Academy

  The ERTSS EKG Academy offers several EKG educational courses to meet your needs. * Basic…

American Red Cross

ERTSS is now a designated as a Licensed Provider ( LTP ) with the American Red…

AHA Course Requirements

An AHA ECC course must meet all the following criteria before if is referred to an AHA…

Reassigning eCards

Once a student successfully completes an AHA certification course and met all the financial obligations, if…

Advisor: BLS Course

Below is the AHA’s description for the new Advisor: BLS program. The Advisor: BLS course materials…

Schedule Skills Check Off

Blended Learning Skills Check-off’s The AHA Blended learning courses for certification consist of two (2) parts:…

AHA eLearning Course Option

ERTSS, as all individuals, is concerned with minimizing exposure to the COVID-19 virus. With that being…

February is American Heart Month

February 2023 marks the 59th consecutive Heart month It’s no secret February is all about hearts…

Monitoring Request

Before submitting a request to be monitored, the Instructor Candidate must prepare. This includes securing an…

USCG Certificate for HSFA/CPR/AED

For any students who may wish to use the AHA Heartsaver CPR AED certification for their…