eCard Editing Options

New eCards Feature: Ability for Students to Edit their eCards We are pleased to announce that…

TC Faculty Position – ERTSS

POSITION DESCRIPTION The Training Center Faculty (TCF) are responsible for quality assurance and is the educational…

TC Faculty Application

Please Review the TC Faculty Position Description Page Before making Application. If you would like to…

Purchase All AHA Course Material And Equipment Here!

*Stand By*New Purchase Options Coming Soon!

Instructor Quality Score

AHA Instructors now have an Instructor Quality Score. If eCards have been issued in your name…

Protected: TC Faculty Resources

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Claim eCard via SMS Text

NEW SMS Texting Feature Now Available for Students to Claim/View eCards We’re excited to announce that…

eCard Without Email Address

You may find on occasion, a student that has successfully completed an AHA Certification Course, may…

Training Site Requirements

AHA has more clearly defined the minimum requirements to qualify as a Training Site (TS). Ertss…

Training Site eCard Order Form

Please use the eCard Store for all Training Site eCard orders.