Training Site eCard Order Form

Please use the eCard Store for all Training Site eCard orders.

Training Site News

Please ask your Training Site Instructors to Align with your Training Site in Atlas.ERTSS assent Invitations…

Opioid eLearning Courses

AHA is introducing 2 new eLearning Course! Both of these eLearning Courses are relative to Opioid…

Online Roster User Guide

National CPR Awareness Week

National CPR Awareness Week is June 1st, through June 7th each year!        …

CPR Statistics

  CPR & Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Fact Sheet Anyone can learn CPR – and everyone…

Verify an eCard

Students can view/print their eCard(s) and Employers can Verify / Print eCards. The student must have…


Welcome to the Emergency Response Training & Support Services, Inc website. We provide quality emergency response…

E-Card Memo from AHA

Powerpoint Presentation of the 2015 Instructor Update

eCard Help Page

eCard Help Page Below are several resources to assist with issuing eCards. There are 2 primary…