Please use the eCard Store for all Training Site eCard orders.
Author: admin
Training Site News
Please ask your Training Site Instructors to Align with your Training Site in Atlas.ERTSS assent Invitations…
Opioid eLearning Courses
AHA is introducing 2 new eLearning Course! Both of these eLearning Courses are relative to Opioid…
National CPR Awareness Week
National CPR Awareness Week is June 1st, through June 7th each year! …
CPR Statistics
CPR & Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Fact Sheet Anyone can learn CPR – and everyone…
Verify an eCard
Students can view/print their eCard(s) and Employers can Verify / Print eCards. The student must have…
Welcome to the Emergency Response Training & Support Services, Inc website. We provide quality emergency response…
E-Card Memo from AHA
Powerpoint Presentation of the 2015 Instructor Update
eCard Help Page
eCard Help Page Below are several resources to assist with issuing eCards. There are 2 primary…