Instructor Courses: Blended format with both Online & Classroom sessions.
Available for all Red Cross programs.
This course will train instructor candidates to teach discipline specific course they are taking. In order to participate in this course, you must possess a current American Red Cross provider certification ( in the discipline they are wishing to teach) or equivalent.
Upon registration of a scheduled Red Cross Instructor Course, it is important that you review and follow the directions on the e-mail attachment sent with your registration confirmation. This is a blended learning course consisting of online content, a skills session and classroom segments. Online material must be completed prior to attending the classroom activities.
The classroom session will demonstrate how to use the Red Cross educational material to teach a course in either a traditional classroom setting or a Blended course setting. You will also learn the administrative responsibilities to document the course on the Red Cross Learning Center Instructor portal and provide digital certification cards to your successful students.
Educational Material:
The Red Cross provides digital instructional material downloads for FREE. You can also decide to purchase print / av material if you choose.
The Red Cross also provides digital downloads of student material for FREE. Students can purchase print student manuals if they choose on the Red Cross website redcross.org
Instructor Bridge Courses
The online instructor bridge courses are designed to allow instructors currently certified with approved, equivalent training organizations to become certified as American Red Cross instructor.
To participate in the instructor bridge, candidates must hold a current provider level (basic-level) certification and an equivalent instructor certification from the American Heart Association or ASHI.
Candidates must meet course prerequisites and upload qualifying credential to complete the training and earn American Red Cross instructor certification.Those who have enrolled in this online bridge course on or after May 13, 2021 will not be required to complete an Instructor Update in order to teach new Focused Updates and Guidelines 2020 content releasing in June 2021.
The Red Cross Instructor Bridge Courses are Online and FREE. To start the Bridge Course, go to the Red Cross Learning Center web portal and select “Take a Class” on the side menu.
After successfully completing the RED Cross Instructor Bridge online, affiliate with the ERTSS LTP and start teaching.