ERTSS is transitioning to a New eCard Ordering Process!
This process is called the eCard Store. The eCard Store uses a familiar
“Store / Shopping Cart” format and will require each Instructor to Create an Instructor eCard Account before they can access and order eCards.
The eCard Store has three ( 3 ) areas that are password protected and requires that you Create an Instructor Account to access. These 3 areas are:
1. The Instructor eCard Account Page
This page will provide your Account information including Basic Information, Billing / Shipping information. This information is easily changed. The page will list the status of your current ecard Order(s) and also list your past completed orders and options to print receipts. Login to your ecard Account Page if you wish to view your current eCard order status and/or access your past completed orders or edit your information.
2. The eCard Store Page
This page allows you to select eCard types and amounts and add them to your “Shopping Cart”. eCard pricing is clearly displayed for each ecard Type. Login to the eCard Store if you wish to make an eCard purchase.
3. The Shopping Cart Page.
This page displays all your eCards that have been placed in your Cart with $ amount totals.
You can edit your order, continue shopping or “Check Out”.
In your Shopping Cart, you will notice “TS Code” and “Gift Card” option boxes.
The TS Code box is only used by Training Sites and Public Safety Agencies.
The Gift Card Box can be used by any instructor that has a Gift Card #. Instructors may purchase Gift Cards for variable amounts and use the Gift Card to Check Out of the Cart. If the Correct Gift Card information is used in the Gift Card Box, The Cart will automatically use the Gift Card Balance until it reaches a $0.00 balance. The Gift Card can be used multiple times until the balance is $0.00. Any remaining Cart $ balance that the Gift Card does not cover will be displayed at Cart Check Out.
* There is a $35 minimum purchase required to check out of the Shopping Cart. This replaces the old 5 eCard minimum purchase.
* There are 2 Payment Options available to Check Out of the eCard Store.
1. Invoice / P.O. is Only for Approved Invoice Accounts with ERTSS.
2. Credit Card ( Default ) Use this option when checking out of the ecard Store.
As of 8am on December 2nd, 2024, The Old eCard Order Form is No Longer Available.
Create your Instructor ecard Account and begin using the New ecard Store.
Instructor eCard Account Page
Ecard Store