As we get closer to the Instructor Update season, there are a few things that will need to be completed to re-certify your AHA Instructor status.
1. Complete your Instructor Renewal to receive your June 2025-June 2027 Instructor eCard(s).
2. Complete the AHA 2025 Guidelines Orientation once it is release. ( Late October 2025 ).
Instructor certification renewal at ERTSS. ( Check renewal date on your Instructor Certification)
1. Be sure that you have achieve the minimal number of AHA teaching credits, ( 4 classes in the 2 years recertification cycle)for each discipline you are approved to teach. (* If you received your Initial AHA Instructor Certification within the 2 year cycle, your minimum teaching credits will be prorated based on how long you have been an Instructor.) Teaching Credits may be reached in the following methods:
1. Teach and document 4 classroom courses within the current recertification cycle.
2. Serve as an Assisting instructor during 4 AHA courses.
3. Teach 4 Blended Learning Skills sessions.
4. Any combination of the above that equals 4 teaching credits.
All teaching credits must be documented on a Course roster documenting you as either Lead or Assisting Instructor. All instructors who complete the above minimum requirements will receive their new AHA Instructor eCard for the discipline they renewed.
* If you are a multi-discipline Instructor, ( BLS, ACLS, PALS ) you must achieve 4 teaching credits for each discipline to maintain status for each. BLS Instructor includes Heartsaver and PALS Instructor includes PEARS.
If you have completed the above requirements to re-certify your AHA Instructor certification(s) for the June 2025 – June 2027 Instructor cycle, you may register for your Instructor ecard(s) by following the link below. If you have yet to complete your 4 teaching credits, you have until the end of June to do this, but do not wait until the last minute to complete. Atlas does not provide any Grace period! All Instructor eCards are $15.00 each and will be issued in June 2025. Instructor Recertification will open on March 3rd at 9am. Do not attempt to register for your Instructor Recertification until you have completed your 4 teaching credits!
2025 Instructor Recertification Registration
AHA 2025 Gudelines Release
As the AHA adopts New Guidelines/Standards every 5 years. 2025 brings new standards from the AHA and the new 2025 AHA guidelines will be released in the late October of this year. These new standards adjust/changes algorithms and treatment pathways and brings new Instructor and Students education material. This includes Instructor manuals, Video’s, exams and new students textbooks.
AHA will have a required Online Update that each instructor must complete before they can start teaching the new standard with the new materials. AHA will provide a future transitional date after the 2025 Guidelines release where Only the new 2025 guidelines and materials must be used.
More information about this process will be released by the AHA once the 2025 Guidelines have been released.