Submit Course Roster

You may also want to read Course Roster Requirements
If you use the ERTSS eCard Store to purchase eCards, Use this form to Attach & Submit a Copy of Your Course Roster to ERTSS to document eCards that you have already issued directly to your successful students.
* This Is Not An Order Form And ERTSS Does Not Issue eCards From This Roster*
If You Need ERTSS to issue eCards for you, use the Online Roster program to document your course and purchase eCards for those students. ERTSS will issue the eCards to your students for you.

To submit a copy of your Course Roster ,it must be either the default AHA Roster or the ERTSS Course Roster Format.

Follow these steps:
1. Save your completed Course Roster to your computer or device. ( pdf, jpg, jpeg, tiff or heic file formats) Please Be Sure That The Roster Information Is Complete.
2. Click on the Red ” Upload Course Roster” button. This will open your email. The “To” email address is automatically set.
3. Find and Attach your saved Course Roster from your computer or device to the email.
4. Send email with attachment to ERTSS.